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Important lessons for athletes from the Nike / Federer “RF” logo dispute – Dan Parkes writes for the LawInSport
This article was originally published by the LawInSport on 8th August 2018 | Authored by: Dan Parkes. While Roger Federer has triumphed on hard courts, clay courts and grass courts,… Read more →
“F1 on collision course with stationery company over new logo in embarrassing trademark row” – Michael Gardner comments for The Independent
Partner and Head of our IP & Commercial Team, Michael Gardner, has had his comments on the Formula 1 trade mark row published by The Independent. Speaking of 3M’s suit… Read more →
“Blockchain – Can we trust you? What legal and cybersecurity risks lurk behind the hype?” – Adam Edwards writes for IT Pro Portal
Following the meteoric rise of Block Chain, IP & Commercial Partner and Head of IT Law, Adam Edwards, has explored some of the risks surrounding the ‘Crypto-craze’ for IT Pro… Read more →
“Rights…and wrongs: When collaboration ends up in court” – Jonathan Cornthwaite writes for Bloomsbury Online
IP & Commercial Partner, Jonathan Cornthwaite, has written an article on the “collaborative minefield” of IP in creative industries, for Bloomsbury Online. Jonathan, who recently co-authored a book entitled “Copyright:… Read more →
IPEC rules on the skills creatives need to demonstrate to claim joint authorship
Authors, designers or other creatives working together on a project is common-place in many industries. However at what point do these contributions give rise to claims from individuals that, along… Read more →
“Experts Suggest 3M Push For ‘Settlement Fee’ In F1 Logo Row” – Michael Gardner comments for Forbes
Partner and Head of IP & Commercial, Michael Gardner, has had his comments published in Forbes following American conglomerate, 3M’s, trademark dispute over Formula One’s new logo. On the subject,… Read more →
“A tale of two Mercks — what the Big Pharma dispute teaches us” Michael Gardner has article published in Spear’s Magazine
Partner and Head of IP & Commercial, Michael Gardner, has had an article published in Spear’s Magazine on the Merck case, that recently reached England’s Court of Appeal. On protecting a… Read more →
IP & Commercial Partner, Jonathan Cornthwaite, co-authors a new book on Copyright
Jonathan Cornthwaite, Partner in our IP & Commercial team, has co-authored a new book, entitled A User’s Guide to Copyright (Seventh Edition). The book has been described by it’s publishers, Bloomsbury, as “one… Read more →