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- Abigail Jacks
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- Stephen Callender
- Stephen Ravenscroft
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- Uriel Newman
- Victoria Mahon
- William Granger
- Zainab Agha
- Zoe Bax
- Zuzanna Kostyra
Part 2 – Business of Succession: Success and employment law strategies when selling a business
We continue our conversation with Employment partner Stephen Ravenscroft for our Business of Succession campaign. Steve shares his expertise on the employment law aspects that founders need to consider when… Read more →
Part 1 – Business of Succession: Success and employment law strategies when selling a business
Employment partner Stephen Ravenscroft has seen his fair share of complexities when it comes to business succession. As part of a series of conversations with partners at Wedlake Bell, where… Read more →
Employment Partner comments for People Management and HR Magazine
Partner Stephen Ravenscroft recently commented for two employment publications, underlining topics of confidentiality and digital evidence in employment. To read the full People Management article, please click here. To read… Read more →
Legal Podcast
Wedlake Bell Employment Podcast – It is time to prioritise mental health in the workplace (Part 2)
Part 2 of our Employment Podcast celebrating World Mental Health Day is here! Listen to Employment Partner Stephen Ravenscroft and Senior Partner Camilla Wallace continue their conversation about mental health… Read more →
Wedlake Bell signifies growth ambitions with arrival of Employment Partner, Stephen Ravenscroft
City law firm Wedlake Bell has bolstered its Employment team with the arrival of Stephen Ravenscroft, former Head of Employment at Memery Crystal, bringing the total number of partners in… Read more →