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Child Arrangements: New Guidelines for Parental Alienation of Children, and Alienating Behaviour
For many years parental alienation (sometimes called parental alienation syndrome) has been a feature of divorce and separation cases. It is the name given to a situation where one parent… Read more →
The Office for National Statistics: statistical bulletin: Civil Partnerships in England and Wales in 2017
On 16 August 2018, the Office for National Statistics published their statistical bulletin in relation to Civil Partnerships in England and Wales in 2017. In summary, some of the findings… Read more →
Wedlake Bell’s family team appeared in the list for 2018 as one of eprivateclient’s Top Family Law Firms at their awards evening
eprivateclient explain that it is the “definitive guide to the leading providers of advice” in areas such as divorce and pre and post-nuptial agreements and other family law matters. We are… Read more →
JS v SSWP and ZS (CSM) 2018 UKUT: The Upper Tribunal decision in respect of the father’s appeal concerning the decision of the First-tier Tribunal (child maintenance)
On 24 May 2018, the Upper Tribunal Judge gave their decision in respect of the father’s appeal concerning the decision of the First-tier Tribunal (child maintenance). This is where the… Read more →
The Civil Partnership Act 2004 allowed for same-sex couples to enter into a civil partnership, which was said to be for the purpose of enabling them “to obtain legal recognition of their relationship …”.
Part 1 (1) of the above Act states that “A civil partnership is a relationship between two people of the same sex (“civil partners”)…” and Part 2 (3) deals with… Read more →
Previously, I wrote about the case of Owens v Owens which is a case where the wife appealed against the dismissal of her divorce petition, after her husband, unusually, defended the divorce.… Read more →
High Court Family judge finds “rich and privileged” 83 year old husband in contempt and incarcerates him for 14 months
On 15 March 2018, His Honour Judge Wildblood QC, sitting as a Judge of the High Court, sentenced husband, John Ralph Hart, to 14 months imprisonment as a result of… Read more →
Changes to the Family Court Forms due to the changes made to the eligibility criteria for legal aid: effective 8 January 2018
Previously (on 29 December 2017), I wrote about the forthcoming changes to the eligibility requirements for individuals to obtain legal aid (public funding) in relation to family law matters and… Read more →
The Office for National Statistics – statistical bulletin 2017: Divorces in England and Wales
The Office for National Statistics (which produces statistics for the UK) released its statistical bulletin on 18 October 2017 in relation to divorces in England and Wales in 2016. Some… Read more →
Child Support Agency arrears transitioned to the Child Maintenance Service system – statistics
On 30 August 2017, the Department for Work and Pensions published statistics in relation to the Child Support Agency arrears transitioned to the Child Maintenance Service system. The publication explains… Read more →
The case of R an B and Capita Trustee Services Ltd and Hawksford Trustees Jersey Ltd and X and Y – Bad conduct and financial settlement upon divorce
A Judgment that was published at the end of June this year, dealt with the issue of what impact bad behaviour (conduct) could have upon a financial settlement upon divorce.… Read more →
Updated guidance in relation to the domestic violence exemption for having to pay the Child Maintenance Service initial calculation fee
As I have written about previously, the Child Maintenance Service (CMS), was introduced in 2012 to deal with child maintenance, which was at that time dealt with by the Child… Read more →
The Government’s ‘Providing a cross-border civil judicial cooperation framework – a future partnership’ paper – The UK’s departure from the EU and the impact on Family Law in the UK
The government has recently published its “Providing a cross-border civil judicial cooperation framework – a future partnership” paper. The focus is on the UK leaving the EU and it sets… Read more →
The case of Tobias v Tobias [2017] – freezing injunctions, without notice orders and applications to the out-of-hours Judge
On 29 June 2017, a Judgment was given in the case of Tobias v Tobias ([2017] EWFC 46) which gave guidance in relation to freezing injunctions, without notice orders and… Read more →
The case of Owens v Owens – permission to appeal the decision against the dismissal of her divorce petition
Earlier this year, in the case of Owens v Owens, the wife appealed against the dismissal of her divorce petition, after her husband, unusually, defended the divorce. The wife’s divorce petition was based… Read more →
The administrative de-linking of divorce proceedings from financial remedy proceedings
As from yesterday (19 June 2017), divorce proceedings across the country are being administratively “delinked” from financial remedy proceedings. The background to this is that back in 2015, administration changes… Read more →
The International Family Law Arbitration Scheme (“IFLAS”) – New Scheme launching in September 2017
Financial settlement upon divorce can sometimes vary enormously from one country to another. This can result in a husband and wife both “racing” to start proceedings in one country over… Read more →