George Cornell



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Career History

George is a Solicitor in the Employment Team.

George joined Wedlake Bell in September 2021.


What to Expect if Labour Win the Next General Election – Painting the Law Red or Just Colouring in the Lines?

Rishi Sunak has announced that the next general election will take place on 4 July 2024. The opinion polls currently suggest that Mr Sunak will not be returning to No.Read more


Supreme Court Decision: Administrator Not an Officer of Company

If an employer intends to make 20 or more employees redundant, at one establishment, within a 90-day period, they must notify the Secretary of State at least 30 days beforeRead more


A New Right to Request Predictable Working

On 18 September 2023 the Workers (Predictable Terms and Conditions) Bill received Royal Assent, becoming an Act of Parliament. It is envisaged that the measures will come in to forceRead more


Part 3 – Climate change in the spotlight: Latest updates on the pensions green agenda

With the onset of Spring, the environmental social and governance (“ESG“) landscape for pension scheme sponsors and trustees continues to change. In this update, we have provided a brief roundupRead more


Part 1 – Budget March 2023 – rabbits out of a hat (lifetime allowance and other pension changes)

Lifetime Allowance (“LTA”) Changes In the March 2021 Budget (2 years ago), Rishi Sunak (as Chancellor back then), announced that the LTA would be frozen at the level of £1,073,100Read more


Are your Tipping Policies in Tip-Top Shape?

The Employment (Allocation of Tips) Bill (the “Tipping Bill”) is a private members’ bill that was backed by the (then) government at its second reading in Parliament in July 2022.Read more