Emily Minett

Senior Associate

Private Client

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Emily is a Senior Associate in the Private Client team, advising clients on tax-efficient Wills and succession planning in order to protect wealth for the next generation. She also administers high value and complex estates and deals with issues arising from the loss of mental capacity.

Emily’s expertise also includes advising on the establishment of new charitable structures, charity mergers and incorporations, and general charity administration.

Recent Experience

  • Advising on high net worth individuals with overseas assets on their Wills and succession planning needs.
  • Advising mixed US/UK citizen couples on their UK tax and estate planning.
  • Administering a high value and complex estate and dealing with negotiations with HMRC as regards to heritage tax reliefs available.
  • Advising a family on the establishment of a grant making Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) and liaising with the Charity Commission.
  • Advising a religious charitable trust on incorporating from a trust to a CIO.
  • Applying to the Court of Protection for the appointment of a deputy to manage the financial affairs of an incapacitated individual.

Career History

Emily started at Wedlake Bell as a trainee in 2012 and qualified into the Private Client team in 2014. She has a degree in English Literature and Education from Cambridge University.

Emily is a STEP (Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners) member, having completed the STEP Diploma in Trusts and Estates.


How gifting from surplus income can mitigate an inheritance tax liability” published in Campden Wealth in March 2023.

Can I leave my estate directly to my grandchild” – quoted in the Financial Times June 2023.

In Trust

Lifetime gifts to children: lead with planning not legal presumptions

Ask The Expert: Your succession questions answered. “In my Will, I give the bulk of my estate to my three children equally. I have just given one of my childrenRead more


WEDLAKE BELL LAWYER QUOTED IN ‘FINANCIAL TIMES’: Can I leave my estate directly to my grandchild?

‘I plan to update my will and would like to leave a share of my estate directly to my only grandchild, who is under 18, with the remaining bulk dividedRead more


Charities in the EU no longer qualify for UK tax reliefs (Spring Budget 2023)

The definition of “charity” for tax purposes has been restricted to charities within the jurisdiction of the High Court in England, Wales or Northern Ireland, or the Court of SessionRead more



For lifetime gifts, there’s a “seven-year rule”: if the donor survives seven years after giving the gift without any benefit reserved, the gift’s value won’t be considered for inheritance taxRead more


Pre-death planning

As Benjamin Franklin once said, “Nothing is certain except death and taxes”. This still rings true today and so here are some steps that you can take during your lifetimeRead more


Charitable giving

There is no question that the Covid-19 crisis has hit the charity sector hard and as the country emerges from “lockdown” restrictions, it will be interesting to see how theRead more